Thursday 28 April 2016

It is said of the Mother (in the Hymn to Her in the Mahakala-Samhita): "Thou art neither girl, nor maid, nor old. Indeed Thou art neither female nor male, nor neuter. Thou art inconceivable, immeasurable Power, the Being of all which exists, void of all duality, the Supreme Brahman, attainable in Illumination alone."
ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga

Wednesday 27 April 2016

मैं रूठी तुम भी रूठ गये
फिर मनाएगा कौन ?
आज दरार है, कल खाई होगी
फिर भरेगा कौन ?
मैं चुप, तुम भी चुप 
इस चुप्पी को फिर तोडेगा कौन ?
बात छोटी को लगा लोगे दिल से, 
तो रिश्ता फिर निभाएगा कौन ?
दुखी मैं भी और तुम भी बिछड़कर, 
सोचो हाथ फिर बढ़ाएगा कौन ?
न मैं राजी, न तुम राजी, 
फिर माफ़ करने का बड़प्पन दिखाएगा कौन ?
डूब जाएगा यादों में दिल कभी, 
तो फिर धैर्य बंधायेगा कौन ?
एक अहम् मेरे, एक तेरे भीतर भी, 
इस अहम् को फिर हराएगा कौन ?
ज़िंदगी किसको मिली है सदा के लिए ?
फिर इन लम्हों में अकेला रह जाएगा कौन ?
मूंद ली दोनों में से गर किसी दिन एक ने आँखें....
तो कल इस बात पर फिर
पछतायेगा कौन ?🍁

Thursday 21 April 2016

Vashikran Mantra

Many of you may be going through some tough times at the moments. But remember, When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person that walked in. That's what the storm is all about. Yes, whatever phase of life Shiva puts you in, accept it cheerfully. Pray to him to enable you to fit into every situation happily and constantly thank Shiva for intervening in his own way. These hard times are the golden opportunities to think of HIM, to remember him and to draw close to him. It's due to forgetfulness that we are affected by one thing or another.‪#‎TheShivaTribe‬ Know that In this material world, everyone is destined to suffer a certain amount of distress and enjoy a certain amount of happiness. The amount of happiness and distress is already predestined for every living entity. But your attitude towards your circumstances is a freedom that can never be taken away. You change your attitude and it changes your world. So tonight, Relax. Stop worrying. Know that whatever you are going through, Shiva has already figured it out for you. He already has all the solutions. Give all your problems to Shiva, he is much bigger than everything. He is your refuge and your strength. Turn all your worries to HIM. Dont allow the little things to distract you from seeing how BIG your Mahadev is !!! Love, light & peace ~ Boom Shankar!
Shubh Ratri!

Sunday 3 April 2016

Mahavidya CHINNAMASTA (chopped off head) The Self-Decapitated Goddess

To stop mind is liberation

Worship means 
To liberate the desire for sensory input, cutting off the source of the movements of mind and reaching deep meditation (samadhi).


Willpower, vision, meditation, sexual abstinence, kundalini yoga, samadhi